The Mountain Whisky
È nato in Trentino il Whisky di montagna InQuota prodotto con stile Italiano da orzo e segale coltivato in alta quota,
acqua delle Dolomiti di Brenta da oltre 170 anni di esperienza nell’arte della distillazione.
La famiglia Dolzan è fiera di presentare la nuovissima linea di Whisky di Montagna InQuota

Per la nostra famiglia è da sempre fondamentale dare priorità alla scelta delle migliori bucce d’uva da distillare per creare una grappa pulita e ricca di profumi. Siamo cresciuti con la cultura di distillare solo la migliore materia prima e di invecchiare i nostri distillati in esclusive botti. Il grande legame con il nostro territorio e le nostre montagne ci ha entusiasmato l’idea di coltivare dell’orzo e segale in alta quota per dar vita al nostro primo whisky.
The Alpine region of Trentino Alto Adige is undoubtedly the emblem of the italian mountains: a small, fortunate area rich in green meadows, unspoiled woods, soaring peaks, pure mountain streams and the glaciers of the Brenta Dolomites where cool, clear water springs.
The Dolzan family, owners of Villa de Varda, has upheld the tradition of artisanal distillation for over 170 years right here in this beautiful setting, dedicating great care and respect to nature and ancient mountain crafts such as woodworking and high-altitude cultivation of grains like barley and rye.
Ronald Zwartepoorte, a renowned international expert in high-quality whisky who has always spent time in Trentino Alto Adige enjoying relaxing holidays and healthy walks in nature, invited his friends the Dolzan family and the Villa de Varda distillery team to participate in the creation of an exclusive mountain whisky.
Ronald, with his vast experience in the field, immediately perceived Villa de Varda’s strengths, namely access to mountain resources such as spring water and grains cultivated at altitude and a century of experience with pot stills and ageing of their own fine distillates.
The result of all this was that the Dolzan family, together with their dedicated team of professionals, began working on this ambitious and stimulating project which is now coming to fruition through the very first whisky produced by Villa de Varda: InQuota, meaning ‘at high altitude’, an Italian-style whisky whose every sip speaks to love of the mountains and the purity of an exceptional area.